Colombian adventure

Colombian adventure

26 march 2019 – Leiden, the netherlands a colombian adventure I’m excited: my last trip was nearly a year ago but in a couple of weeks I’ll be off again! My plan is to visit Colombia for nearly three weeks and then sail to Panama to fly back from...
The Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon

8 december 2018 – leiden, the netherlands The book of mormon It rained lightly in the Breestraat. The main shopping concourse in Leiden was already getting less crowded at the start of this dark winter evening between Saint Nicholas and Christmas. I pulled the...
Archbishops and Alcohol

Archbishops and Alcohol

24 march 2013 – accra, ghana Archbishops and Alcohol My first morning in Accra and I felt full of energy! I watched the crowds from the bustling sidewalk along Darkuman Road when a 12 seat-minivan halted in front of me. I had no idea where it would go but it was...


31 MARCH 2013 – cape coast, Ghana Beschermengelen “Wow, you really are a good dancer!” zwijmelt Missaye in mijn oren terwijl ze haar armen om mijn middel heenlegt. We stonden midden in een swingende, zwetende groep Ghanezen die dansend de tweede paasdag vierden....
Hot Pot Panic

Hot Pot Panic

2o MAY 2018 – SHANGRI-LA, CHINA Hot pot panic Slight panic was visible in the eyes of the waitresses as I entered the restaurant well past dinner time. The restaurant was nearly empty, just one group of expensively dressed Chinese men was still there. Both...