Falling Down

Falling Down

28 March 2011 – Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua Falling Down Isla de Ometepe: a tropical island made out of twin volcanoes in the middle of a shark-infested lake. That sentence alone already sounds magical and I knew I had to visit it on my Nicaragua trip. I could...
The Lion and the Jackal

The Lion and the Jackal

6 MAY 2005 – ETOsha, namibia the lion and the jackal Yeah, sometimes I do stupid reckless things. This time it was a dark night in the Etosha wildlife park in Namibia. I had just zipped open my tent and I had the somewhat foolish plan to find out where the...
Salsa en Cali

Salsa en Cali

17 april 2019 – Cali, colombia SALSA en CALI It is a hot and sultry night in tropical Cali. I lower myself into the front site of a small yellow korean-made taxi and greet the driver with a firm ‘buenas nochas’. He grumbles a non-descript response. Meanwhile...
Donde es mi Pasaporte?

Donde es mi Pasaporte?

13 april 2019 – Bogota, colombia donde es my pasaporte? “Pasaporte” zegt de besnorde man achter de balie van Flota Valle De Tenza op vriendelijke toon. Hij heeft een gebruind gelaat, grijze stoppels, een grijze sweater en iets overgewicht. Geoefend open ik het...
Colombian adventure

Colombian adventure

26 march 2019 – Leiden, the netherlands a colombian adventure I’m excited: my last trip was nearly a year ago but in a couple of weeks I’ll be off again! My plan is to visit Colombia for nearly three weeks and then sail to Panama to fly back from...
Archbishops and Alcohol

Archbishops and Alcohol

24 march 2013 – accra, ghana Archbishops and Alcohol My first morning in Accra and I felt full of energy! I watched the crowds from the bustling sidewalk along Darkuman Road when a 12 seat-minivan halted in front of me. I had no idea where it would go but it was...